Saturday, 14 March 2009

Edward Nicolay Artemyev - The Odyssey


01. Introduction
02. The Ship Departs
03. Trojan Battlefield
04. The Horse & Burning Troy
05. Achille's Funeral
06. Aeolus
07. Seagull
08. Talking to Poseidon
09. Cyclops
10. Climbing to the Circe's Palace
11. Piglet
12. Temple of Dead
13. End Titles (Part One)
14. Scylla & Charibdis
15. Odysseus drifts
16. Calypso
17. Escape from Calypso
18. Sirens
19. Storm
20. Penelope on the Shore
21. Return to Ithaca
22. Arrows of Odysseus
23. Penelope & Odysseus
24. Finale

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