Monday 16 February 2009

Queen & Howard Blake - Flash Gordon (Complete Score)


01. Intro - Flash Theme
02. Opening Scenes - Killer Storm - Plane Crash
03. Rocket Fight
04. The Launch
05. In The Space Capsule
06. Arrival to Mongo
07. Mongo Greeting - Palace Entry - The Court Of Ming
08. Prisioners
09. Ming's Theme
10. Barin And The Hawkmen
11. Prince Thun (Dialogue)
12. Prince Thun
13. Presenting to Ming
14. The Princess - Dale's Seduction
15. The Ring
16. Football Fight 1
17. Football Fight 2
18. In The Death Cell
19. Execution Of Flash
20. Bell And Coffin - Zarkov
21. The Kiss
22. Flight To Arboria - Harem
23. Telepathy - Dale's Drug
24. Arboria
25. Barin's Present
26. Dale's Fight
27. Zarkov And Dale Escape
28. The Swamp 1
29. Klytus Search
30. Torture - The Swamp 2
31. The City Of The Hawkmen
32. Escape From The Swamp
33. Tree Stump Duel - Beast In The Swamp
34. Romantic Reunion
35. Duel On The Sky Platform
36. Death of Klytus - Ming Arrives
37. Flash Escapes from Hawkmen's City
38. Dialogue
39. Flash To The Rescue 1
40. Flash To The Rescue 2
41. Vultan's Theme
42. Battle Theme
43. On Control
44. Flash Fanfarre
45. The Wedding March
46. Marriage Of Dale And Ming
47. Crash Dive On Mingo City
48. Death Of Ming
49. Flash's Victory
50. The Hero
51. Final Theme (End Credits)

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