Tuesday 17 February 2009

John Powell - X-Men - The Last Stand (Complete Score)


CD 1
01. 20 Years Ago
02. Young Jean
03. Young Angel - Main Titles
04. Danger Room Session
05. Scott's Torment
06. Scott, Logan and Beast
07. Raven
08. Storm Sense
09. Not Telling Us
10. Announcing The Cure
11. Church Of Magneto and Truck
12. Meet Leeche and Lake
13. Finding Phoenix
14. Angel's Cure
15. Jailbreak
16. Jean and Logan
17. The Death Of X
18. X Funeral

CD 2
01. Skating and Rogue Leaves
02. Magneto's Camp
03. Logan and Storm
04. Cure Wars
05. Fight In The Woods
06. Ops and Lupus
07. Building Bridges
08. Attack On Alcatraz
09. Battle For The Cure
10. Fight As A Team
11. The Phoenix Arises
12. Finale and End Credits

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