Friday 5 September 2008

John Williams - Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (The Collector's Edition)


01. Opening: Let There Be Light
02. Navy Planes
03. Lost Squadron
04. Roy's First Encounter
05. Encounter At Crescendo Summit
06. Chasing UFOs
07. False Alarm
08. Barry's Kidnapping
09. The Cover-Up
10. Stars And Trucks
11. Forming The Mountain
12. TV Reveals
13. Roy And Jillian On The Road
14. The Mountain
15. Who Are You People?
16. The Escape
17. The Escape (Alternate)
18. Trucking
19. Climbing The Mountain
20. Outstretch Hands
21. Lightshow
22. Barnstorming
23. The Mothership
24. Wild Signals
25. The Returnees
26. The Visitors/ Bye/ End Titles: The Special Edition

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