Friday 5 September 2008

David Buckley - The Forbidden Kingdom Score


01. The Mountain of Fruit & Flowers
02. The Peach Banquet
03. Monkey Business *New Track added 5/11/08
04. China Begins
05. Hops' Shop
06. J&J Temple Fight
07. The Legend of the Temple Staff
08. Two Tigers - Two Masters
09. Tea House Fight
10. The Tyranny of War
11. Don't Forget to Breath
12. Ni Chang & Her Cult Killers
13. Drunken Master Wounded
14. The Seeker of the Prophecy
15. Let the Journey Begin
16. Monkey King Released
17. Battle of the Bride
18. Her Destiny Was Written
19. As One Tale Ends...
20. ...Another Tale Begins

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thx for the score!!i'd been looking for ages!thx so much!!