Friday 6 June 2008

Thomas Newman - The Horse Whisperer Score


01. Angus
02. Double Divide
03. The Whisperers
04. Accident
05. There Was Snow (Opening)
06. Hooking On
07. Montana
08. Pilgrim's Progress
09. Runaway Meadow
10. Badlands
11. Voice Of God
12. The Rhythm Of The Horse
13. Rancher's Wife
14. Iron
15. Simple Truths
16. Hereford Cross
17. Tunnel
18. Awkward Talk
19. Your Misfortune (None Of My Own)
20. Hooves
21. Hobble
22. The Very Act Of Being
23. Grace
24. Lazy J
25. Creek House
26. The Vast Continent
27. Percheron Stallion
28. End Title

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