Saturday 7 June 2008

Steve Dorff - Blast From The Past


01. I See The Sun - Tommy Henriksen
02. So Long Toots - Cherry Poppin' Daddies
03. Honey Please - Sonichrome
04. Rhinoceros - Block
05. Pretty Babies - Dishwalla
06. I Will Buy You A New Life - Everclear
07. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) - R.E.M.
08. Trou Macacq - Squirrel Nut Zippers
09. Mr. Zoot Suit - Flying Neutrinos
10. It's A Good Day - Perry Como
11. Political Science - Randy Newman
12. A Little Belief - Celeste Prince
13. Adam & Eve Love Theme

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