Thursday 11 February 2010

Malcolm Clarke - Doctor Who at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop; The Sea Devils


01. The Sea Devils (Excerpt I)
02. Doctor Who (Opening Theme)
03. The Master's Permanent Residence
04. Arrival at the Prison
05. I am the Master...
06. Prison Visit
07. At School Together
08. Prison Suspicions
09. Leaving the Prison
10. To the Naval Base
11. Keeping Careful Watch
12. Examining the Lifeboat
13. Bribing the Locals
14. Sonar Sea Port
15. Being Watched
16. Trouble on the Sea Fort
17. Visiting the Sea Fort
18. Stranded on the Sea Fort
19. The Sea Devil
20. Battle with the Sea Devil
21. Infiltrating the Naval Base
22. Hidden in a Doorless Car
23. A Masterly Disguise
24. A Masterly Salutex
25. Distracting the Staffx
26. Special Audit
27. Jo Spots the Master
28. Intruder Alert!
29. Back to the Prison
30. The Master's Machinations
31. A Hole in One
32. A Chat with the Master
33. A Duel with the Master
34. Violent Excercise
35. Not Good Enough
36. Quality Footwork
37. Knife Crime
38. Jo Escapes
39. Jo on the Run
40. Get the Doctor
41. A Word with the Doctorx
42. Submarine on Course
43. Submarine Manoeuvres
44. Sill a Prisoner
45. Jo Searches for the Doctor
46. Jo Finds the Doctor
47. Jo Comes Up with a Planx
48. Jo Finds a Way
49. Jo Sneaks About
50. Distracting the Guard
51. Jo Sneaks In
52. Submarine Systems Failure
53. Jo Knocks Out the Guard
54. Submarine Hits Bottom
55. Making for the Beach
56. The Master Traps Them All
57. Nowhere to Run
58. Sea Devil Rising
59. Cornered
60. The Sea Devil Attacks
61. Minefield
62. On the Sea Bed
63. Hiding from Prison Security
64. Green Gilbert
65. The Sea Devils Rise
66. Sea Devils Attack the Prisonx
67. Trenchard's Demise
68. Deserted Prison
69. Doctor on Board
70. Devil at the Bottom of the Sea
71. Empty Diving Bell
72. The Doctor is Your Deadly Enemy
73. Special Naval Taskforce
74. Taskforce in Position
75. Commence Attack!
76. The Promised Peace
77. Bodies and Debris
78. Plan of Attack
79. Consequences
80. Submarine Caught in Force-Field
81. Submarine Blasts Free
82. Angry Sea Devils
83. Sea Devils Take the Naval Base
84. Communications Cut
85. Sea Devil Salute
86. Escape through the Ventilation Shaft
87. Jo on a Mission
88. Sea Devil Guard
89. Sea Devil Shot
90. Hypnotic Mistake
91. Sea Skimmer Chase
92. Nuclear Strike Request
93. Nuclear Strike Ready
94. The Master's Freedom
95. The Sea Devils (Excerpt II)
96. Doctor Who (Closing Theme)
97. Device Distraction
98. Device Overload

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