Monday, 9 March 2009

VA - The Hammer Quatermass Film Music Collection (1955, 1957, 1967)


Quatermass and the Pit, Film Score:
01. Opening Credits
02. Bones
03. Unexploded Bomb
04. Discovery
05. More Discoveries
06. Poltergeist (For the Film Quatermass and the Pit)
Quatermass and the Pit, Film Score:
07. Hob's Lane
08. Mysterious Happenings
09. Pentacle
10. Hideous Dwarf
11. Demons
12. Dissecting and Preserving
13. Terror
14. Alien Force
15. Panic
16. Mayhem
17. Power of the Horned Demon
18. Finale and End Credits (Unused)
19. End Credits
Quatermass 2, Film Score:
20. Opening Credits
21. Things in the Domes
22. End Credits
Quatermass Xperiment, Film Score:
23. Opening Credits
24. News Headlines
25. Examining Carroon
26. Carroon Is Restless
27. Cacti
28. Metamorphosis
29. Another Victim
Quatermass and the Pit, Film Score:
30. Electronic Music Section 1
31. Electronic Music Section 2
32. Electronic Music Section 3
33. Electronic Music Section 4
34. Electronic Music Section 5
35. Electronic Music Section 6
36. Electronic Music Section 7
37. Electronic Music Section 8
38. Electronic Music Section 9
39. Electronic Music Section 10

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