Sunday, 8 March 2009

Geoffrey Burgon - Monty Phyton's Life of Brian


01. Introduction
02. Brian song
03. The wise men at the manger
04. Brian song (continued)
05. Sermon on the mount (big nose)
06. Stone salesman
07. Stoning
08. Ex-leper (nortius maximus)
09. You mean you were raped?
10. Revolutionaries in the amphitheatre (Loretta)
11. Roman go home
12. What have the Romans ever done for us?
13. Ben
14. Brian before Pilate (throw him to the floor)
15. Prophets
16. Beard salesman
17. Brian's prophecy
18. The hermit
19. He's not the messiah
20. He's a very naughty boy
21. Pilate sentences Brian
22. Nisus wettus
23. Pilate with the crowd (welease wodger)
24. Nisus wettus with the gaolers
25. Release Brian
26. Not so bad once you're up
27. Revs salute Brian
28. Cheeky is released
29. Mandy to her son
30. Look on the bright side of life (all things dull and ugly)

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