Wednesday 18 February 2009

Sol Kaplan - Star Trek - The Doomsday Machine


01. Approach of Enterprise
02. Debris
03. The Constellation
04. Star Trek (Main Title)
05. Adrift
06. Going Aboard
07. Matt Decker
08. The Crew That Was
09. What is A Doomsday Machine
10. The Planet Killer
11. A Big Problem
12. Strange Boom
13. The Pick Up
14. Decker Takes Over
15. The New Commander
16. Light Beams
17. Tractor Beam
18. Violent Shakes
19. Spock Takes Command
20. Decker's Foil
21. Sneaky Commodore
22. Goodbye Mr Decker
23. Condolences
24. Power Drain
25. Kirk Does it Again
26. One's Enough
27. Star Trek (End Credits)

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