Saturday, 22 November 2008

Bernard Herrmann - Jason And The Argonauts


01. Jason Prelude
02. The Prophecy - The Battle
03. River Bank
04. The Feast
05. The Oak Grove - The Ascension
06. Mount Olympus
07. The Olympic Games
08. Departure
09. Hera's Effigy
10. Argo
11. The Titans - The Chamber - The Door
12. Talos - The Boat - The Wreck
13. Hera Speaks
14. The Attack - Talos Heel - Talos Death
15. Sorrow - Hera's Warning
16. The Harpies
17. The Nets - The Rope - The Cage
18. Medea's Ship
19. Triton
20. Medea
21. Acastus And Jason Fight
22. Temple Dance
23. The Glade - The Golden Fleece
24. The Hydra - The Hydra Fight
25. The Stolen Fleece - The Teeth
26. The Path - The Cure
27. Hydra's Teeth - Skeletons - Attack
28. Scherzo Macabre
29. Finale

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