Sunday, 27 July 2008

Henry Manfredini - Friday the 13th (Special Edition)

USA (Amerika)

01. Prophet of doom friday 1 (main theme intro to horror)
02. A mother's love
03. Kill her mommy - excerpts of terror
04. What about the boy
05. Friday 1 (end theme)
06. Campfire tale
07. Doomed friday 2 (main theme)
08. I have warned thee friday 3 (main theme)
09. Moments of madness
10. Friday 4 (main theme)
11. He's alive
12. Friday 4 (end theme)
13. You talking to me friday 5 (main theme)
14. Friday 6 main theme tommy's plight
15. Kick ass stereo - teenage frankenstein alice cooper
16. Dead meat
17. Friday 6 (end theme) - he's back man behind the mask a cooper
18. Friday 7 (main theme)
19. Welcome to ny
20. Friday 8 theme - darkest side of the night
21. Bonus - jason's hack track

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! You are more productive than anyone else, so keep up the good work.
    Regarding this OST, obviously a bootleg, but what quality is it? A DVD rip, including SFX, or like a regular legit release?
    Thanks again for all the hard work!
