01. Main Title
02. Buffalo Herd/The Iron Horse/Rendevous
03. "Dodge City It Is!"
04. Matt Cole's Funeral
05. The Covered Wagons/Oh, Susannah/Sunrise/Abbie's Theme
06. Stampede!
07. The Murder/Surrett's Theme/Necktie Party
08. The Children/Abbie's Theme/The Fight/Little Harry/Dodge City
09. Wade and Abbie Go Riding
10. Joe Clemens Murdered
11. Transferring the Prisoner
12. Fire Aboard the Train
13. Finale/End Cast (track 1-13 Dodge City)
14. Main Title
15. Stagecoach Robbery
16. Making a Vacancy
17. Escaping the Sheriff
18. A Town Soon to Be Tulsa
19. Pedro and His Family
20. The Kid Investigates
21. Ned Comes Looking for Jim
22. Decoying the Judge
23. The Letter
24. The Trial/Attempted Jailbreak
25. Lynched
26. Martial Law/Revenge
27. Bringing in Doolin
28. Fight at the Territory Saloon
29. Brothers Again
30. Hasty Marriage and Finale (track 14-30 Oklahoma Kid)
01. Main Title
02. Buffalo Herd/The Iron Horse/Rendevous
03. "Dodge City It Is!"
04. Matt Cole's Funeral
05. The Covered Wagons/Oh, Susannah/Sunrise/Abbie's Theme
06. Stampede!
07. The Murder/Surrett's Theme/Necktie Party
08. The Children/Abbie's Theme/The Fight/Little Harry/Dodge City
09. Wade and Abbie Go Riding
10. Joe Clemens Murdered
11. Transferring the Prisoner
12. Fire Aboard the Train
13. Finale/End Cast (track 1-13 Dodge City)
14. Main Title
15. Stagecoach Robbery
16. Making a Vacancy
17. Escaping the Sheriff
18. A Town Soon to Be Tulsa
19. Pedro and His Family
20. The Kid Investigates
21. Ned Comes Looking for Jim
22. Decoying the Judge
23. The Letter
24. The Trial/Attempted Jailbreak
25. Lynched
26. Martial Law/Revenge
27. Bringing in Doolin
28. Fight at the Territory Saloon
29. Brothers Again
30. Hasty Marriage and Finale (track 14-30 Oklahoma Kid)